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How Write a Reading Resp paper mar23SF.pdf

Set it up step by step

Introduction: For this essay, because you want to give both information about the subject and also briefly summarize the article you are responding to, you probably need at least two paragraphs. In all introductions, you want to:

For a Responsive Reading essay you also need to:

1. Introduction Ideas for Reading Response Paper

Paragraph One: Get the reader’s attention and describe the subject in one of the following ways: use a startling statistic, an interesting fact, an appropriate quotation, an anecdote, a scenario, a conversation, a story, a question your essay will answer, an example, or general information about the topic.

One of my favorite techniques is to use a “frame” story or conversation for the opening/conclusion. The way this works is that you tell half of a story or conversation in the introduction and then tell the rest of the story in the conclusion. Or you could open with a dilemma or problem and then close with the solution. A different version of that is to re-tell the same story in the conclusion with a different (usually better) ending. Examples:

  1. On an essay about cell phone use in cars, you could open with a scenario showing a person getting a call while driving and thinking about what to do. In the conclusion, you could have the end of the scenario—maybe the driver pulls over to take the call, or decides to let voicemail take it.
  2. On an essay about dealing with a family member with Alzheimer’s, you could open with a conversation between family members trying to figure out what to do. You can conclude with a conversation between the same people after they have decided to place that person in a nursing home.