질문을 구체화할 수 있는 메모들
- AWS SAM is informing you that the sample application configures an API Gateway API without authorization. When you deploy the sample application, AWS SAM creates a publicly available URL.
- [ba2.3.a0.5.2. title:
AWS SAM(Serverless Application Model)은 코드형 인프라(Infrastructure as Code (IaC)) 도구 클라우드포메이션(AWS Cloud Formation)에 애플리케이션을 뭉친 덩어리다. 즉, 서버리스 애플리케이션을 찍어내는 뼈대다.](https://janghoo.notion.site/ba2-3-a0-5-2-title-AWS-SAM-Serverless-Application-Model-AWS-Cloud-Formatio-0714f8616bab479ba5e1726d2201b696)
- AWS API Gateway is a fully managed service that makes it easy for developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale. Lambda is function as a service(FAAS) product of AWS. The combination of these two services is amazing and it is slowly replacing the traditional backend. The combination is serverless, cost-efficient and infinitely scalable.
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질문과 관련한 답을 작성한 글들
- a1.2.a9.1.1.5. title:
AWS API Gateway는 말 그대로 API의 남대문이다. AWS상의 API와 관련 모든 것들을 관리하는 SaaS이다.